Developing the skills of Mattecentrum’s volunteers


By training and involving our volunteers and project managers, the long-term goals become: to give children and adolescents an increased understanding, better self-confidence in mathematics, as well as positive experiences of the subject. This hopefully leads to a revised view of mathematics and helps make maths more attractive. We believe this encourages students to develop an interest and understanding for mathematics by having strong role models (volunteers).

Edutainment – A playful learning experience for the youngest

Vattenhallen Science Center, Lunds universitet

At the end of the project, the goal is to have developed a holistic experience for visitors of Vattenhallen’s Brain Room, where the existing interactive and tactile learning elements are developed and reinforced through the new elements. A complete educational programme with song and dance, founded on contemporary science regarding the brain and the senses, is consolidated by allowing families to get involved and to take home lessons learned from the visit thus furthering the learning process.

What can teachers learn from programmers and what can programmers learn from teachers, and how can we work together for a digital democracy?

Disa Jernudd

The goal of the teacher-code cottages is to give teachers the right prerequisites for introducing programming and digital design both in mathematics and technology, but also subject integrated in their teaching in accordance with the curriculum. Understanding how digital services and products work, is a matter of democracy and a prerequisite for our children’s ability to take part in important social functions, influence social development, be critical consumers, and in future job opportunities.



Our goal is to create a high-quality scientific conference with the voluntary help of a great many highly committed members. We are targeting about 150 participants, students at different phases of their university studies, from different educational institutions around the world. Our goal is for these students to feel that the conference has been valuable to them in their future careers, choice of specialization and an inspiration for further studies.

HeroSight – a pilot project with Augmented Reality as a training tool in emergency care

HeroSight AB

With AR technology, we can train more efficiently, save on public resources and the environment. Practical elements in training become more accessible, which in the long run gives hospitals, fire stations or developing countries the opportunity for simulation training. Something that has previously entailed high costs. With better availability for regular training, work quality is improved, and more lives can be saved. HeroSight is, both in code and commitment, an Impact Start up whose vision is to create a positive impact for billions of people.

Success factors for the well-being of adolescent’s, an inventory aiming to create a model for proactive student health activities

VIS, Vetenskap i skolan, ek. förening

We want to help increase the well-being of adolescents, which we know can lead to better learning which promotes inclusion in society. We want to create a model that can curb the problems that our experiences from schools make evident. We are convinced that with the right effort, we can help on an individual level through a supportive classroom in a co-operative school. The likelihood of requiring external intervention is reduced, which is positive from a socio-economic perspective as well as from a health perspective.

Cross-border campaign on Agenda 2030

Läs och Lär McShane Education AB

MiniBladet wants to find new ways to engage children in current social issues and values. We want to encourage reading and writing as well as create platforms where children can make their voices heard. We see Agenda 2030 as a unique opportunity and an opportunity to establish cross-border collaboration between schools, industry and other activities in Malmö. Adults and children in joint manifestations and actions give greater weight and thus stimulate society’s involvement in Agenda 2030.