Endodrill – a new method for safer and simpler cancer diagnosis
The project aims to create a new biopsy instrument for cancer samples, that can not be taken with existing instruments, via the relatively patient-friendly endoscopic method.
Preclampsia: a new prognosis test
With current diagnostic methods preeclampsia can not be detect in early pregnancy. Many of the existing clinical tests needed is time consuming, inconvenient for the patient and has low and variable value predictions. But with an efficient diagnostic marker all pregnant women can potentially be screen very early, before symptoms appear.
Peptide-based treatment of insulin resistance in (Pre)diabets
The project aims to establish a new peptide-based treatment for insulin resistance in prediabetes and against developed type 2 diabetes.
The aim is to verify if an Internet-based music intervention and a ditto mindfulness intervention may demonstrate decreased stress parameters and increased cognitive function (such as increased level of classical intelligence tests) of high school students regardless of stress level.
A live antiseptic formulation as an alternative treatment of chronic wounds
The project’s aim is to get the scientific evidence that supports the use of honey germs as a topical treatment for chronic wounds in humans.
Verifying of a technique for visualization of tissue cells
The project is cutting edge technology and relates verification of new pioneering medical methodology. The verification takes the form of an innovative interdisciplinary projects where both industry and technical and medical school at the University of Lund participate. Specifically the project is a new methodology for visualizing complex cell patterns in diseased tissue and automatically correlate these to unhealthy (pathological) changes.
The ”nurse car” keeps on driving.
The ”nurse car” is a new service which means that an experienced nurse comes to your home and make a medical assessment, provide advice and assess the level of care required.