The Blowfly Astrid in the middle of the music
The project’s goal is to create a new exciting work for symphony orchestra, where the child’s perspective is in focus, and also houses an educational aspect, which is delivered in a fun and stimulating way. The need for new children’s productions for symphony orchestra is great and the project creates entirely original material for the Helsingborg Symphony Orchestra featuring the instruments in an educational and exciting way.
The Cleantech Growth Guide
The project is to write and publish an educational book about environmental policy instruments. Around fifteen international writers will contribute to chapters in the book. The common thread is how regulations affect both the environment and growth. One should, in other words, get a glimpse of how different instruments affect factors like firms, regions and countries’ competitiveness, jobs and exports.
Can art contribute to increased health awareness?
The eastern part of Skåne, with Tomelilla as an example, has higher illness rates, lower educational levels and poorer educational outcomes than the rest of Skåne. Parameters that are important for positive and sustainable community development, such as education, housing, senior housing is both neglected and needs to be developed with a positive innovation. The Österlen Akademy’s main purpose is to support the industry and the municipality within their areas of expertise: medicine, healthy living, work psychology, art, music and literature. The book “Health and Beauty East of the Trail” will be published during the autumn of 2013.
Signe Bergner – the story about a womans fight for freedom to create
Signes Bergners life story is fascinating. An entrepreneurial woman who lived an independent and full life despite many difficult circumstances. She was born out of wedlock, was fatherless and a foster child when she was a few weeks old. She was prevented from taking the academic education she desired. Acquired despite that two vocational trainings. This in a time when women were not entitled to vote.
Swedish Fish to Fry
The development of a written and performance based forum or platform addressing the difficulties integrating into Swedish society. Presenting a constructive critique of the Swedish educational system and showcasing its positive aspects to the international community as well as enabling both global and Swedish communities to develop tools and strategies to improve their systems.
The dream of a child
The book project brings out a man’s perspective on infertility. The descriotion has the opportunity to create a deeper understanding of both sides and put into words what childless couples are thinking and experiencing. Childlessness and infertility has long been a taboo subject even though it is a reality for so many couples in today’s society.
#enjoysweden – Fotobook
To highlight a unique and time-typical selection of images from Sweden, images taken by ordinary people in a committed willingness to share what they see around them. And because of a belief in raising the quality of the experience when you take the best out of this digital flow, to another, frozen and possibly more resistant, medium – a printed book.
Mother, what shall I think about?
The purpose of producing this book is to disseminate knowledge on a concrete method that works well for children in difficult and vulnerable situations, such as using their own imagination and creativity to dream and develop. This simple but effective way to support children in difficult situations is important to spread to both parents, affiliates, the health system, and the children themselves.