Previous Scholarships
An informational book about being a sibling to someone with a disability
Kristina Hedlund
The goal of my project is to publish an informational book that focuses on special-needs siblings. The book will include interviews with both children and adult siblings, relatives and people who meet special-needs siblings in their profession. Information, quotes and reflections will be mixed with tips and facts. The target group for the book is of course the special-needs siblings and their relatives, but also everyone who in their profession or in another way comes into contact with special-needs siblings.
Sleep Groups “Key to Academic Success and Mental Health for Young People”
Gita Hedin
The aim of the project is to evaluate whether the participation of adolescents in sleep groups can improve or affect individual sleep duration and sleep quality, as well as to evaluate whether participation in sleep groups affected school performance and mental health.
The importance of sleep, in illness and in health
Pernilla Garmy
Sleep difficulties are a gigantic problem, that generate suffering for the individual and a cost for society. Many of the problems are caused by a lack of knowledge within the healthcare system and the public at large. There is a great need to inform about how sleep problems can be alleviated. Through conferences, open digital seminars and lectures, doctors, nurses and other healthcare professionals will be able to acquire the tools to provide adequate support.
The image of Sweden – how Wikipedia shapes the image of Sweden
Johan Jönsson
Wikipedia is one of the world’s most widely used sources of information. By using the encyclopaedia, people form an understanding of the world. Nevertheless, most people know very little about how it works – and those who write rarely bring up their thoughts on images and image building. Images play a big role in how we perceive a subject – does the image of a suburb show neat greenery in July or a dingy street in November? Understanding this is an important educational mission and matters to our society.
Develop actors with intellectual disabilities – publishing support
Kjell Stjernholm
Publishing a book on developing actors with intellectual disabilities through an established non-fiction publisher increases the chances of both greater and correct dissemination. It will be more easily discovered by libraries and educational institutions and be of higher quality than one which is self-published. The book will fill the void that exists in how to work to enable the transition to a professional life for actors with intellectual disabilities.
“A room of one’s own at Skarhult Castle, about women’s rest through the ages” book exhibition interviews
Skarhults kulturminne Ideell förening
The project aims at public education about rest. Create knowledge and interest regarding recovery. Middle-aged women with full calendars often cannot answer what they do when they are off work. Time off? They are mothers, daughters, partners, daughters-in-law, friends, colleagues, sisters before it is time for resting. The aim is to encourage people to have the courage to press the pause button, to learn about the benefits of taking a break and to present different ideas on what to do while resting.
“Active Leisure – summer activities for young people with disabilities” 2023
Föreningen Furuboda
With the Active Leisure project, the association Furuboda wants to contribute to the positive development of 300 young people with disabilities so that more are given tangible conditions for an active, developing and fun leisure time. In this way, young people with disabilities are given better prerequisites for socialising with friends and peers, better ability and conditions for participation and participating in society, as well as resources for better physical and mental health in the short and in the long term.
Develop thoughts and interlaced intelligence. Application for funding to complete a book script
Anna Jobér
One goal of the book is to provide a broad picture of what intelligence can be where more abilities and in the longer term more perspective can be included. Hopefully the book broadens the horizons of how together we can solve complex issues and problems where as many as possible are involved so that we together with other people, machines, octopuses, bacteria or whatever it may be can find alternative paths that open up new worlds.
Light, our spy in space – a public education project on the origin of the elements
Henrik Hartman
We believe it is important to give children and young people an insight into the scientific method and to encourage the pursuit of knowledge. Especially in an age coloured by social media rumours and the post-truth phenomenon. Performing arts and science are an educational dream team. Giving voice to atoms allows the audience to relate to them and makes learning more fun. The atoms’ dialogue with the scientist allows for clarification of the material, making it easier to absorb.
Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Intelligent Agents (IA)
Charlotte Sennersten
I want to be able to devote my time to compile my and Skåne company’s AI knowledge with Mobile Heights in book form. I want to take stock of how companies look at AI. How I have worked with AI personally. How academia looks at AI and what students see AI as. An AI time document that I can use in an AI course that will be a stand-alone course that anyone can apply for.
“Neo-Latin and Humanist Greek Poetry in the Baltic Region”
Språk- och litteraturcentrum, Lunds universitet
The purpose is to inventory, make available and disseminate poems that people around the Baltic Sea wrote in Latin and Greek for some 300 years. Many of these poems have never been published, others are in hard-to-find editions from the 17th and 18th centuries. Another reason is to present our poems from Sweden in a larger international historical context, to show how people migrated in the Baltic Sea region, what contacts they had with each other, how they thought, lived and created.
Malmö’s first textile entrepreneurs – the history of the emergence and development of the cotton textile industry in Malmö
Institutet för studier i Malmös historia, Malmö Universitet
The aim of the project is to investigate the start-up and development of the cotton textile industry in Malmö from 1850 to 1920, to highlight a) key actors in the process, b) the role the cotton textile industry played in the industrial development of Malmö, and c) how that process is linked to international economic and industrial development. We want to make this accessible to the public, as we believe that knowledge of history is a central part of people’s identity.
Ramels väg 47. The rise, fall and transformation of a stairway
Jens Sjölander
The aim of the project is to make a documentary film portraying a stairway and the people who live and have lived there. The documentary film invites viewers to explore and challenge some of the beliefs and prejudices that have come to characterize the place. Why did people who lived there move? How do people who live there today view the area, the people who lived there before and me? Am I also then a Ramelsväger (Ramel’s streety)?
Squiggles, figures, houses and places – a book for children about Malmö
Sabina Dethorey
Our book will strengthen children’s and young people’s bond to Malmö. It will open doors to subject areas that are otherwise mostly accessible to adults. Since we start from real houses and places in Malmö, everyone will recognize them, at least some of them, and the rest will be easy to discover and explore. Through everyday experiences, we inspire reflections, share knowledge, give the key to new worlds of thought. We encourage readers to build on, both on our book and on Malmö’s development.
Lecture tour on a tandem bicycle in rural Sweden: Research on ageing and health
Lunds universitet
The overall aim is to strengthen awareness and interest in research on ageing and health and its scientific processes. This is to promote empowerment, democracy and trust in research. It aims to communicate the value of public engagement in research and to strengthen the recruitment of participants to specific research studies. The lecture tour is a way of interacting with the surrounding community for mutual exchange, which is incumbent on LU under the Higher Education Act.
Facing existential loneliness during adolescence
Tide Garnow
The aim of the project is to promote awareness of existential loneliness during adolescence, as well as to encourage support in facing existential health in young people. The demand for knowledge on existential loneliness is great as is for support of young people in this type of issue. By advancing knowledge and awareness, the aim is to contribute to sustaining young people’s health.
Stefan Zablocki – an Auschwitz survivor’s road to Malmö
Tomasz Sielski
The goal of this project is to publish an easy-to-read fictional story targeting young people aged 13 to 15 years. The short story should be able to be successfully read and used by schools in the teaching and learning about the Holocaust. The secondary goal is to create a script that can lead to a TV production.
I will tell you
Malmö Folkhögskola
We want to work with storytelling as an educational initiative to reach those participants who have difficulty speaking in front of others and have low confidence in their own abilities. These difficulties affect everything from school assignments to contact with authorities and social relationships. In the long term, this can also affect their chances of establishing themselves in the labour market.
Science communication and the battle for knowledge – a dialogue between researchers, media, policy makers and the public
Jimmie Kristensson
The aim is to increase, and at the same time broaden, the understanding of research communication through cross-border dialogue to increase understanding of the importance of research in safeguarding a democratic dialogue. We have a polarised social climate with occasionally heated debate on politically charged topics. The university’s role as a credible communicator of knowledge is more important than ever, while at the same time it has become increasingly complex for researchers to communicate their results.
Model for a new semi-permanent exhibition about Malmö 1870-today
Malmö Museer
Residents, and in particular school students, in Malmö and Skåne gain a better understanding of the impact history has on how the city, and the world, look today. An added effect is that the model becomes a natural meeting place, and thus a starting point for the museum’s educators in a large and complex exhibition. Furthermore, both institutions get the opportunity to develop methods and stronger collaboration.