
Lund Formula Student 2020

The overall goal of this project is to promote fresh ideas and innovation as well as provide practical experience to talented students at Lund University. This year, this is reflected in the fact that we have three projects ongoing at the same time with major focus on electric power and

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Bread Nouveau

In 2018, 90 billion tonnes of raw material was extracted globally where an estimation of 20% goes to waste. As designers we can move freely in between disconnected disciplines and disrupt knowledge silos in science today. Our goal is to create a symbiosis between otherwise detached industries and further develop

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Modelling of friction and wear on the nanoscale

The ultimate goal is to solve the physical principles of how friction arises and changes under different conditions. The work will progress through studies and integration in different length ranges as well as verification with experiments. The results coupled with understanding may well affect how surfaces and coatings are developed,

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Biomimetic sensors for the rapid detection of the SARS-CoV-2 virus

One of the most important tools to combat the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has been diagnosis and contact tracing. The current diagnostic toolbox consists of PCR or antibody-based tests. While the rapid antibody-based assays are useful for their speed, they still lack in sensitivity and high-quality antibodies are costly and complicated

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Pilot production for edible coating

The purpose of the pilot production is validating the concept to ensure that we can produce the coating alternatives in larger volumes and produce them for field test. These steps are not conducted in sequential form but with a clear overlap between different phases. We will test and validate the

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AR for everyone

The goal of the project is to create opportunities for minor players in the hospitality industry to be able to create experiences that are otherwise only possible for the biggest players in our country. With a little help, they should be able insert models of things that have just collected

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