
Proteogenomic analysis of ESR1 mutated breast cancers

Mutations in the estrogen receptor are responsible of resistance to standard treatments, and so far no effective alternative drug regimens have been implemented in the clinic. We believe that our proteogenomic workflow can be applied to analyze clinical samples with expressed estrogen receptor mutations to derive alternative drug targets and

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Precision medicine for sepsis in the ICU using proteomics

Our project aims to diagnose and characterise sepsis and ultimately tailor the treatment of sepsis and ARDS using protein profiles. Today, new proteomics methods (such as mass spectrometry) can analyse thousands of proteins at a time from a drop of blood. Our hope is that with protein profiling and artificial

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I will tell you

We want to work with storytelling as an educational initiative to reach those participants who have difficulty speaking in front of others and have low confidence in their own abilities. These difficulties affect everything from school assignments to contact with authorities and social relationships. In the long term, this can

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Developing new radiation protection glasses in dentistry

To improve the work environment for all dental staff in Sweden and hopefully worldwide, as there are currently no good protective glasses for UV and blue light in the profession. According to studies, we run a high risk of developing several different chronic eye diseases if we do not use

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