

The overall purpose of the current venture is to boost interest in life in the ocean through a combination of microbiological, aesthetic and artistic perspective. The activities involve broadening and complementing the marine pedagogic work that has been pursued for many years by SEA-U Marine Knowledge Centre in Malmö. The

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Trio Wolski on release tour

Trio Wolski is a genre-crossing band from Malmö that goes on tour this summer. The purpose with the tour is to reach out to a larger audience, people of all ages who rarely encounter folk music. Instead, of performing at folk music festivals where folk music already exists, the band

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The relational work – the bridge

In recent years a gradual change has taken place in schools. A negative change in pupils’ attitude towards themselves and their potential. This is happening while more and more teachers for various reasons either burn out or lose interest in the job and a great many lack energy and joy.

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Swedish new objective organ music

Each era has its sound and its artistic ideals, but when a piece of music has been performed it can be forgotten as quickly, regardless of how good it was. It is hard to imagine that J.S. Bach’s organ music, which is now seen as a matter of course in

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Bioinspired Autonomous Navigation

The purpose is to investigate how we can use animal models from biology to construct methods, algorithms and systems for real- time autonomous navigation, map making and localization. The methods will primarily be based on image data and specifically target the hard, but important, case of low light levels, giving

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Movium Plantarum

Movium’s plant database Movium Plantarum was launched in 2010 and is a development of the database Swedish Dendrology (CD-ROM) from the 1990s by Sweden’s leading plant experts. Dendrology was a research project that run several years where over 1,000 trees and shrubs were described based on 17 unique plant characteristics,

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Simrishamn 900 years

The purpose of the book project is to give Simrishamn a jubilee book for its 900-year anniversary in 2023. Equally as important is to try a new approach in our ambition to write a city monograph. An oral history, to capture the city’s history through narrative stories. To achieve this

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Medieval Lund – bringing to life a bygone era

For several years, students and teachers have worked on ideas for visualizing Lund’s history and making it more compelling and interesting for visitors and city residents. The work has been done within the framework of the History programme, but the project has also collaborated with several other programmes, schools, universities

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Drivkraft Landskrona

Drivkraft Malmö is a non-profit association aimed at counteracting the gaps in society. The association was started 2011 in Malmö and has since expanded its operations to Helsingborg and now also Landskrona. Through mentoring an increasing number of students are guided to finish school with better grades and find their

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