
Repamera – the whole of Sweden’s tailor

Repamera was founded in January 2017 with the vision “It’s easier to repair than buy new in Sweden”. Since then, over 500 customers throughout Sweden have used the service, of which 15% are recurring customers every month. Initially, clothes were collected in Malmö / Lund and surrounding areas, but since

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Experience-based learning

The purpose is to scientifically study Experience-based learning and design a model on the Education Act’s scientific basis and proven experience. Thereby achieving, mutual cooperation between schools, external learning environments / cultural institutions and colleges with the aim to increase school pupils’ learning, language development, participation in school activities and

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Professional Swedish for newcomers, foreign-born labour

The goal is to contribute to the increased linguistic skills of jobseekers and employers in Sweden in a number of industries over a long time. Quantitatively develop, collect and market at least 5 to 8 different phrasebooks / industries in 3 to 5 different languages ​​and introduce them to as

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Automated insulin dosage for individuals with Type 1 diabetes

People with Type 1 diabetes lack the hormone insulin. Insulin is vital to the body’s cells for the supply of energy and the progression of metabolic processes. Insulin must therefore be administered daily through multiple injections or an insulin pump. Self-regulating pumps, so-called artificial pancreas, are not available yet. In

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Vevios, the alarm system of the future

The elderly and the chronically ill with personal alarms with panic buttons are exposed daily to high risk in their own home environment; no one hears when they are in urgent need of help and that’s why assistance is not available. The vital communication through personal alarms with panic buttons

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