
Turning Waste Feathers into a Valuable Protein Source

Protein hydrolyzate derived from by-products of the poultry industry as feather waste is currently used as organic fertilizer, animal food and nutrition in the aquaculture industry. There is a need to handle a growing amount of chicken feather waste as a potential source of protein hydrolyzate. The project aims at,

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HomebyHemp: Lund’s healthiest Attefallshus!

Homebyhemp AB will offer environmentally friendly, durable, turnkey module housing as well as wall panels and insulation composed of the bio-composite material, hempcrete. The composition of Hempcrete (the inner woody core of the hemp plant, lime and water) gives the material its unique hygroscopic properties. The purpose is to meet

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Atomic layer etching for nano device fabrication

Our way of living today would not be possible without modern electronic devices. Current information and communication technologies, industry, medicine and biotechnology development are made possible by the huge development of semiconductor electronics technology, based on a long-term trend of continuous miniaturization. This ALE-based method of manufacturing nanostructures with a

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Histone 1.3 – a new and unique biomarker for pancreatic cancer

Pancreatic cancer is one of the most serious forms of cancer. The difficulty is to identify pancreatic cancer “early”. There are no biomarkers in either blood or tissue to provide diagnosis, prognostic / predictive help and support in selecting therapy. Research has now found a pancreatic cancer-specific marker (Histone 1.3;

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Treatment of malignant brain tumours by complementation

Glioblastoma is the most common primary brain tumour in humans. It is a diagnosis with a very bleak outcome. The goal is to analyse whether glioblastoma expresses C1-IA and CRP (proteins) that inhibit immune response by inactivating the complement system, and to test treatment in various animal models for glioblastoma.

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Repamera – the whole of Sweden’s tailor

Repamera was founded in January 2017 with the vision “It’s easier to repair than buy new in Sweden”. Since then, over 500 customers throughout Sweden have used the service, of which 15% are recurring customers every month. Initially, clothes were collected in Malmö / Lund and surrounding areas, but since

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Experience-based learning

The purpose is to scientifically study Experience-based learning and design a model on the Education Act’s scientific basis and proven experience. Thereby achieving, mutual cooperation between schools, external learning environments / cultural institutions and colleges with the aim to increase school pupils’ learning, language development, participation in school activities and

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