
Local Food Nodes

The aim is to develop a limitless and open digital platform (Local Food Nodes) for organizing local food delivery-venues. All trade takes place direct with the producer, which means that the platform does not handle any kind of sales or administrate payments. Only membership fees are handled via the platform.

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Dive Finder

The aim is to manufacture a “black box” for divers. There is a need to communicate with and position divers in underwater environments. The project involves designing, manufacturing and selling a device that makes it possible to locate and attracting attention between divers. It is difficult for divers to communicate

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PASION VIOLETA – Gala Violeta Parra 100 years

To perform the concert PASION VIOLETA, Gala Violeta Parra 100 years in Malmö and Stockholm in October 2017, thereby drawing attention to Violeta Parra, one of Chile’s and Latin America’s greatest folk music artists. Well-known Swedish and Chilean artists interpret her songs in brand new innovative arrangements that merge Chilean

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Animus Heart Platform

The purpose of the project is to make smart homes accessible to everyone. The benefits of all consumer electronics has until now only reached an existential level, but this solution grants consumer electronics a greater purpose. Consumer electronics will communicate in the home. This gives birth to new solutions that

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Playing with History “- Platform for Historical Performance at MHM

The purpose of the platform for historical achievement is to implement practical skills and aesthetics in historical styles for students who play modern instruments through participation in workshops and concert projects. These activities will be directed by Peter Spissky in a new educational situation model – active participation – which

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The world’s best multiplier reels

Far too long, the world’s anglers have had to struggle with tangled lines and constant adjustments of various braking systems instead of catching fish and enjoying the experience. With this patent-pending brake, sport fishing becomes easier, completely without tangle. The brake provides the user an optimal braking function that only

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A Scanian Orfeo

Claudio Monteverdis “Orfeo” from 1604 is usually temporally thought of as the first work of opera. The work has never been performed in its entirety in Skåne. The Lund Baroque Association in collaboration with Höör Baroque plans to perform the opera in concert form in Kristianstad, Höör and Lund in

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Atomic layer etching for nano device fabrication

Our way of living today would not be possible without modern electronic devices. Current information and communication technologies, industry, medicine and biotechnology development are made possible by the huge development of semiconductor electronics technology, based on a long-term trend of continuous miniaturization. This ALE-based method of manufacturing nanostructures with a

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Histone 1.3 – a new and unique biomarker for pancreatic cancer

Pancreatic cancer is one of the most serious forms of cancer. The difficulty is to identify pancreatic cancer “early”. There are no biomarkers in either blood or tissue to provide diagnosis, prognostic / predictive help and support in selecting therapy. Research has now found a pancreatic cancer-specific marker (Histone 1.3;

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Treatment of malignant brain tumours by complementation

Glioblastoma is the most common primary brain tumour in humans. It is a diagnosis with a very bleak outcome. The goal is to analyse whether glioblastoma expresses C1-IA and CRP (proteins) that inhibit immune response by inactivating the complement system, and to test treatment in various animal models for glioblastoma.

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