
Literature studies on methylmercury

Mercury (Hg) is a threat primarily to aquatic organisms and their predators. An important question is the form in which mercury is absorbed and in what form it is methylated. The project involves compiling and critically evaluating research findings from both field and laboratory studies that hold important information about

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Methodology for Cocreating Shared Spaces

For three years we have been experimenting with processes to use collective intelligence for the common good. This has led us to find that the dialectic relationship between spaces and people is central to solving social challenges. By giving room for users of a city to play an active role

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Lauritx, 15 years old

Lauritz, now age 88, was at 15 an active member of the resistance in Norway. He had to flee to Sweden and came to the now relatively unknown gymnastics camps for secret training of soldiers in Sweden. His brother at 16 joined the youth association, Nasjonal Samling (Quisling’s party) in

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Students with low achievement in mathematics

The last seven years have been devoted to studies in educational sciences specialising in didactics of mathematics. Research has focused on the reasons why students show low performance in mathematics. The project intends designing course materials for the instruction of how to teach such students. Via separate training days in

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What everyone should know about science

The Education Act states that education must be based on scientific foundation. A scientific approach is highlighted in the policy documents for most subjects. Through interviews with among others representatives of various school subjects and research areas what can and should be included in “scientific literacy” is clarified and a

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Teachers as leaders

If teachers show good leadership in and outside the classroom they increase a pupil’s a chance of quiet study time, focus and to learning development. Through the project “Teachers as Leaders” teachers are given tools that provide students the prerequisites for this. Research shows that a teacher’s skills, ability and

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