
Popularise Jazz!

The project aims to reach new audiences and make jazz a part of the vibrant club scene. We do this by combining pop and jazz, hoping in this way to develop both genres. We feel that today’s pub culture is devoid of live jazz music. Our experience is that jazz

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Arabian Baroque

The project has two main purposes. The first is to bring together musicians from different cultures and musical backgrounds, and let music mediate between past and present through creative exploration of different types of early music and new musical traditions. The second aim is to promote dialogue with young people

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Everything happens in our cities today. Car chases, robberies, murders now belong to everyday life. These “events” are often severe and almost always involve the emergency services; ambulance, police, fire brigade. The public is exposed to danger without knowing what is going on, not even knowing that something is going

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The women of Baroque

Giovanni Quartet is a professional Malmö based ensemble that plays baroque music on period instruments. During 2015/16 we want to create a concert focusing on female Baroque composers and their music. The project aims to create a varied concert in two acts based on women’s music, but also to give

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Culture for many — RTIC

Today there are no digital rooms where pianists, orchestras, street artists, comedians, dancers (and many, many more), individuals or groups, can get to know one another and also interact with each other in different cultural forms. In the business world there is LinkedIn, in the research world Academia, but in

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Endodrill II

The aim is to develop a new instrument and a method for taking samples of all types of cancer suspected abnormalities detected by endoscope (a flexible tube with camera equipment). The most commonly studied systems and survey areas are the stomach, the intestines and the respiratory system. An instrument that

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