
We built a Sharehouse!

In a unique collaboration with Malmö’s municipal housing (MKB) the members of the non-profit organization Kollektivhus in Malmö (KiM) have been involved in developing a new, modern and energy efficient house in northern Sofielund. The aim is to write a book that displays and disseminates a very instructive and inspiring

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Organizational health and safety risks at work

Work-related mental ill health accounts for an increasing proportion of reported symptoms, ill health and absenteeism in today’s society. The book project is based on an AFA funded research project 2010-2015 that has been conducted at the Centre for Applied Work Research and Evaluation, CTA, at Malmö University. The book

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A summer with Stage Österlen

The book is about Stage Österlen, a children and youth theatre with and for children and adolescents. It is a non-profit theatre that has been active in Simrishamn since 1999. The theatre performs musicals and Christmas shows involving children’s and young people’s reality. Since the start, about 500 performances have

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The way to social innovation –

Cancer Buddies wants to write a book and describe how it all began, from an idea at the kitchen table to the service, the social innovation. How did it come about? Who did we ask for help? How did we think? What we did do to achieve what we

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When your child does not eat

In the rich flora of literature aimed at parents, there are today many books about WHAT children should eat and HOW to prepare the food. However, it is difficult to find research-based knowledge about what parents need to do when children eat far too little, or do not dare to

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Commercialization of integrated aquaculture

Globally, aquaculture is by far the fastest growing sector of food production and has been for the past few decades. In Sweden, aquaculture has, however, decreased in recent years. We want to create a sustainable integrated aquaculture seafood production in the countryside of Skåne and pursue a process for a

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Aquaponic CSA

CSA stands for Community Supported Agriculture (share cultivation/farming). By buying a share of the cultivation the consumer will get locally produced vegetables in return. In order to grow vegetables in a sustainable way, we have chosen to utilize aquaponics.  Aquaponic cultivation/farming reduces the use of fertilizers to a minimum by

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ALC – Auto-release Lifejacket Container

Marsafe is developing a new system for the release of lifejackets on board ships; the Auto-Release Lifejacket Container, ALC. Today’s lifejacket containers are sealed and the problem arises if a ship sinks without anyone opening the containers manually, resulting in several hundred lifejackets going down with the ship. Marsafe has

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