
Et exspecto

ET EXSPECTO (And I wait) is the name of a co-production between the Malmö Academy of Music wind and percussion instruments, and the Karlskrona Navy Brass Band. Together they form a symphonic orchestra of some 60 musicians, which allows for a repertoire that is very seldom performed because of its

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Songs at eventide with Trio Enchantee

The purpose is to revive chamber music! Trio Enchantée wants the project “Songs at Eventide” to create a chamber music concert where music, art and film may interact and form a new cultural experience. What is needed is the development of the concerto form. It is perhaps not compatible with

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Mixing and mastering of my upcoming CD / LP

Anders Bergcrantz was recently named the world’s best jazz trumpeter of 2015 by renowned jazz historian Arnaldo De’Soteiro in Los Angeles, United States. His next CD will be released under his own record label, Vanguard Music Boulevard, which over the years has released several highly respected and award-winning productions. The

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PASION VIOLETA – Gala Violeta Parra 100 years

To perform the concert PASION VIOLETA, Gala Violeta Parra 100 years in Malmö and Stockholm in October 2017, thereby drawing attention to Violeta Parra, one of Chile’s and Latin America’s greatest folk music artists. Well-known Swedish and Chilean artists interpret her songs in brand new innovative arrangements that merge Chilean

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Playing with History “- Platform for Historical Performance at MHM

The purpose of the platform for historical achievement is to implement practical skills and aesthetics in historical styles for students who play modern instruments through participation in workshops and concert projects. These activities will be directed by Peter Spissky in a new educational situation model – active participation – which

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A Scanian Orfeo

Claudio Monteverdis “Orfeo” from 1604 is usually temporally thought of as the first work of opera. The work has never been performed in its entirety in Skåne. The Lund Baroque Association in collaboration with Höör Baroque plans to perform the opera in concert form in Kristianstad, Höör and Lund in

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A young woman can attain a prestigious job in the conservative world of classical music. Michaela is the only Swedish student flutist to be awarded a place on a prestigious educational programme in Copenhagen that admits only a maximum of two students per year. She has been invited to some

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