
Analysis of mycobacterial strains with whole genome sequencing

Tuberculosis (TB) is a disease that obligates the tracing of the contagion which is transmittable among both children and adults. Quick detection of the disease, including forms which are resistant to one or more major antibiotics, is essential for the proper management and efficient tracing of the contagion. The primary

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The acoustic fingerprints of a cell

Numerous tests are conducted in hospitals based on cell analysis. It may be counting blood cells to assess a patient’s general condition, or examining blood samples from cancer patients to monitor the presence of tumour cells, which indicates that a tumour has metastasized. I want to develop and apply a

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New sampling instrument for prostate biopsies

Prostate cancer is a very common form of cancer in the western world, where prevalence in Sweden is among the highest in the world. In order to make a diagnosis biopsies of the prostate are required. The main objective of the project is to reduce the number of infections associated

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Endodrill II

The aim is to develop a new instrument and a method for taking samples of all types of cancer suspected abnormalities detected by endoscope (a flexible tube with camera equipment). The most commonly studied systems and survey areas are the stomach, the intestines and the respiratory system. An instrument that

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AiDA – a new method for the diagnosis of COPD

The lung disease COPD, according to WHO, is the fourth most common cause of death worldwide, and its prevalence is increasing. Of the more than 200 million people suffering from COPD, three million die annually. The diagnostic method that is most specific for emphysema is computed tomography (CT scan) –

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New sampling instrument for prostate biopsies

The project received a grant from the Sten K. Johnsson Foundation in 2015. Since then, the following has happened: 1) a needle prototype has been developed with JOIN in Lund. 2) A study of the needle at the Centre of Bacteriology at Lund University has shown that: a) the needle

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Improved personalised cancer treatment using single patient tissue

In order to achieve the vision of personalised cancer treatment, clinical pathology must develop better tools to be able to “predict in the tissue”, i.e., identify biological properties, known as biomarkers, in individual tumours, which are of significance to disease progression (prognosis) and the effect of different treatments (prediction). The

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