
The gut-brain axis in Alzheimer’s Disease

The aim of the project is to investigate the connection between diet/berries, microbiota and the effect on cognition and the pathological changes linked to Alzheimer’s disease. Above all, we hope to be able to find links to APOE4, which half of all Alzheimer’s patients have, and which is a cholesterol-carrying

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Novel ultrasound-based method to prevent heart attacks and strokes

In Sweden alone, there are > 30,000 strokes/year, causing major impact on individuals and society (16 B SEK/year). During the 80 000 annual ultrasound examinations, most individuals with dangerous plaques are missed, as there is currently no method to assess plaque composition. Our method is needed for 1) clinical investigations,

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The end of kidney shortages for transplant!

The purpose of the project is to find out if the technology and methods function in human kidneys as well as validate the product prototype to pave the way for efficient and successful commercialization, i.e., the first part of the clinical study. Through this, the number of donor kidneys available

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Objective and Quantitative Assessment tools for ADHD and ASD

We are developing objective and quantitative measurement tools that measure cerebellar function in combination with a modernized motor assessment test. We believe this can potentially revolutionize the way we assess and study ADHD and ASD – two diagnoses that cover several hundred thousand children in Sweden alone. In fact, our

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The aim is to verify if an Internet-based music intervention and a ditto mindfulness intervention may demonstrate decreased stress parameters and increased cognitive function (such as increased level of classical intelligence tests) of high school students regardless of stress level.

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Verifying of a technique for visualization of tissue cells

The project is cutting edge technology and relates verification of new pioneering medical methodology. The verification takes the form of an innovative interdisciplinary projects where both industry and technical and medical school at the University of Lund participate. Specifically the project is a new methodology for visualizing complex cell patterns

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