
Develop actors who are intellectually challenged

Create conditions for improving the development of an intellectually challenged actor’s stage and artistic qualities. Give directors, teachers and educators the tools to lead such development work. Spread awareness of the intellectually challenged actor’s work that was generated when Moomsteatern in Malmö went from study circle to professional theatre.

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Children’s book about girls with ADHD

The purpose of the book is first and foremost to create a sense of context and community for especially girls with ADHD. Another purpose is to spread awareness of ADHD, neuropsychiatric disorders and otherness. The book will have a ‘from within’ perspective, written in a language that is easily accessible

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Clinical handbook on intensive neurological rehabilitation

Create a clinical handbook for intensive neurological rehabilitation of language, speech and cognition to gather theoretical knowledge with clinical practice and develop the current rehabilitation in the field. The handbook can also be read by decision-makers and stakeholders and provide ideas of how effective neurological rehabilitation can be designed.

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Primeval animals exposed to offbeat revival attempts

To place basic scientific research in an artistic and cultural perspective. And more specifically, with the help of three world-famous “hard rock artists”, figuratively speaking, to revive extinct organisms in a unique book, where modern research is presented in a new, interesting and different way. In connection with the book’s

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Develop actors with intellectual disabilities – publishing support

Publishing a book on developing actors with intellectual disabilities through an established non-fiction publisher increases the chances of both greater and correct dissemination. It will be more easily discovered by libraries and educational institutions and be of higher quality than one which is self-published. The book will fill the void

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