
Early biomarkers for the detection of colon cancer

Many colon tumours are detected when the tumour cells have already spread in the body. This leads to the treatment becoming more difficult as the disease changes composition and gives rise to more complications. A non-invasive blood test could make a huge difference, as using the markers to detect the

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Primeval animals exposed to offbeat revival attempts

To place basic scientific research in an artistic and cultural perspective. And more specifically, with the help of three world-famous “hard rock artists”, figuratively speaking, to revive extinct organisms in a unique book, where modern research is presented in a new, interesting and different way. In connection with the book’s

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A book about Kullen’s lighthouse

The Swedish Environmental Protection Agency states that 500,000 people visit Kullaberg annually. There are also some 4,500 active members. With this project, we want to convey in-depth knowledge to everyone who is in some way interested in history. The book will have a broad historical approach in the fields of

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Who found out? Discussing science in preschool

The goal of the outlined book to provide easily accessible and inspirational material that can be used by preschool teachers and in preschool teacher training throughout the country. Our intention is for the book to serve as support in planning and implementing an evolved science for preschool that broadens and

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Develop actors who are intellectually challenged

Create conditions for improving the development of an intellectually challenged actor’s stage and artistic qualities. Give directors, teachers and educators the tools to lead such development work. Spread awareness of the intellectually challenged actor’s work that was generated when Moomsteatern in Malmö went from study circle to professional theatre.

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Modelling of friction and wear on the nanoscale

The ultimate goal is to solve the physical principles of how friction arises and changes under different conditions. The work will progress through studies and integration in different length ranges as well as verification with experiments. The results coupled with understanding may well affect how surfaces and coatings are developed,

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