
Researchers go on the road

The third objective (tredje uppgiften) of a university was entered in the Higher Education Act 1977. In addition to the traditional objectives, education and research, Swedish universities are responsible for spreading information of their activities. A researcher’s knowledge is valuable to society and its development and often contributes to the

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The battle of Lund – creating the present from history

Slightly to the north of Lund, in the year 1676, the Danish and Swedish armies fought one of the bloodiest battles in Nordic history. The Battle of Lund is a fascinating, frightening and disturbing story that can be told over and over again. Katedralskolan’s students wish to recount the story

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Robert Mckee’s STORY Seminar

Robert Mckee is at the age of 75 a giant in the field of script development, narrative storytelling and writing, primarily in film and television productions. The Robert McKee STORY Seminar at Malmo Live is a perfect opportunity to access world class further education that develops professionals both in the

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Restoration of the exhibition Skåne is born

The subject of dinosaurs fascinates. Petrodactyls, pterosaurs, hovered in the air and swam in the oceans, in addition to some 40 species of sharks, giant mosasaurus that could devour a shark in one bite! Since Skåne, unlike the rest of Sweden, was under water for such a long time, the

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EOS Language Café

The EOS Language Café started on January 23, 2016 and is held every Saturday, 1pm – 3pm at Eoshallen in Lund. The aim of the project is to create a venue where people can come together and build relationships on the basis of an interest in language, culture and social

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Teeming wetlands

Large parts of Sweden’s original wetlands are gone. Ditched, drained and reclaimed to create land and conditions for efficient agriculture and forestry. This informational project will result in a TV production for viewing in the countries around the Baltic Sea. The purpose of the film is to influence people so

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A young woman can attain a prestigious job in the conservative world of classical music. Michaela is the only Swedish student flutist to be awarded a place on a prestigious educational programme in Copenhagen that admits only a maximum of two students per year. She has been invited to some

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Home is where the music is

The project “Home is where the music is” aims to work with Syrian chamber music groups operating in Sweden and Skåne in order to explore contemporary music from Syria and premiere it. During rehearsals before the concert, the participating musicians will keep a journal recording musical reflections on rehearsing the

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