
Teeming wetlands

Large parts of Sweden’s original wetlands are gone. Ditched, drained and reclaimed to create land and conditions for efficient agriculture and forestry. This informational project will result in a TV production for viewing in the countries around the Baltic Sea. The purpose of the film is to influence people so

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Songs at eventide with Trio Enchantee

The purpose is to revive chamber music! Trio Enchantée wants the project “Songs at Eventide” to create a chamber music concert where music, art and film may interact and form a new cultural experience. What is needed is the development of the concerto form. It is perhaps not compatible with

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Edible Ideas

Gro’up is a new type of dynamic player that uses food and food culture as a social tool and works towards the best possible synergies with other relevant players in the region. Edible Ideas is a way to show how all segments and sub-segments within food and food culture combine

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Resource-minimal land-cooled refrigeration plant for small-scale farming

The project aims to build and evaluate a low-tech and resource-minimal refrigeration storage-system for application in small-scale agriculture and horticulture. By studying traditional root cellars and looking at modern needs and conditions, the system is designed to work without electricity and maintain a low uniform temperature of about 8°C all

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Mixing and mastering of my upcoming CD / LP

Anders Bergcrantz was recently named the world’s best jazz trumpeter of 2015 by renowned jazz historian Arnaldo De’Soteiro in Los Angeles, United States. His next CD will be released under his own record label, Vanguard Music Boulevard, which over the years has released several highly respected and award-winning productions. The

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Swop Shop also becomes Swop App

In a world of overconsumption there is increased interest in shopping in a sustainable way. In 2013, a clothes swop shop opened in Malmö. Many visitors have since shown a strong interest in swopping and sharing their garments, but due to distance, membership has not been an option for those

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A home to enjoy living in, a city to enjoy living in

Malmö is battling and is today a segregated city where the gap increases for each passing day. According to Save the Children Annual Review 2015 on child poverty, Malmö ranks the highest, with every third child lives in poverty. Many people are ashamed to bring home friends because they do

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