
Unheard of yesteryear

Swedish art music from the 17th century and onwards is largely forgotten and is today a hidden treasure, even for those who work professionally with music. By performing these unknown Swedish works we spread knowledge of our cultural history, and its links to Europe. By alternating musical works with interesting

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Svante – the educational robot

We would like to take this opportunity to develop Svante, an open source educational robot and a graphical programming language that will serve as a new pedagogical tool in schools. We believe that Svante will solve the requests from teachers, students and parents on modernising the way technology is taught

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To know what it takes …….

The pressure on teachers to change teaching methods has become increasingly intense. Many schools devote countless hours to educational discussions that aim to develop teachers’ teaching methods and thus raise the meeting of objectives of the students. At the secondary school Spyken in Lund, several studies have been conducted with

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Your Voice Will ECHO! – continuation of the project

Your Voice Will ECHO! comprises Jassim Ahmadi who is a trained social worker and skills analyst working at Rosengård School in Malmö as school counsellor and Alaa Mouhsen a trained dental technician who works as a fitness coach and companion to the disabled. We both grew up in Rosengård. The

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Makerspace event in Malmö

The aim of this project is to collaborate, promote and develop young people’s interest and knowledge within technology and science. Cool Minds and 4yourkids will together create an exciting new way to incorporate the art and science world by using digital and aesthetic expression. A children / youth perspective will

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Action-Oriented Entrepreneurship Training Series for New Arriving Immigrants

This project aims to provide action-oriented training to help 25 newly arrived immigrants in Skåne get the skills in entrepreneurship that can increase their personal development and job prospects. Adapting, sensitising and modifying experiences and techniques from the international master’s programme in New Venture Creation at Lund University. Participating in

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Songs at eventide with Trio Enchantee

The purpose is to revive chamber music! Trio Enchantée wants the project “Songs at Eventide” to create a chamber music concert where music, art and film may interact and form a new cultural experience. What is needed is the development of the concerto form. It is perhaps not compatible with

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Edible Ideas

Gro’up is a new type of dynamic player that uses food and food culture as a social tool and works towards the best possible synergies with other relevant players in the region. Edible Ideas is a way to show how all segments and sub-segments within food and food culture combine

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