
Your Voice Will Echo! – Revolution within the world of education

Too often we see how the world of education breaks down children’s self-esteem and self-image because of an inflexible system that rewards and celebrates high-performing students, while others end up neglected and considered a burden. This project aims to highlight everyone’s resources, whether they achieve the learning objectives or not.

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YOU++ – Coding education platform for kids

If we teach today’s students as we taught yesterday’s, we rob them of tomorrow. We passionately believe that the world would be a better place if more children had access to coding education. If we want to expose all children to coding, regardless of their socio-economic background, we have to

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Waste flow of water and fertilisers from aquaculture to agriculture

Aquaculture is the fastest growing food sector worldwide and 50% of all consumed fish is farmed. Swedish and European politicians alike have aquaculture development on their agenda for job creation and food production in the EU. Aquaculture is considered an environmentally hazardous activity and impacts on the environment and its

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The Bikes vs. Cars App – We Are many

The Bikes vs Cars App. The app stores the user’s cycling trips and converts the distance into CO2 emissions and oil saved. It provides both an individual and a collective experience, tracking and recording the user’s own bike trips, and also sharing the data so that a global total number

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Scalable and available digital homework help

In recent years, the results among secondary school students in OECD countries have fallen and in particular in Sweden. At the same time, the demand for homework help has increased and the market grows twofold every year. Homework requires today a teacher per 1-3 students, and therefore lacks scalability. Two

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Teachtrail Labs

Teachtrail is a “playlist” for digital learning materials. By applying the model “playlist” on training, we want to make digital educational resources on the Internet accessible to Swedish schools. The goal of Teachtrail Lab is to develop a tool that helps teachers and students to better utilize the training material

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Berlin – Maglehem, Art and how to get there

An exchange between artists from Maglehem’s Artists and the internationally famous Berlin Artists. Maglehems Kulturförening will arrange a 10-day exhibition around the Midsummer festival, partly as a collective exhibition at Maglegårda Konsthall in Maglehem and partly at the studios of each of our artists who are exhibiting and acting as

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