
Early detection of plant pathogens using microfluidic chips

With the microfluidic chip, we want to enable early detection and diagnosis of plant pathogens to enable precision spraying. Detection is made possible before a disease appears, which saves the harvest while allowing the drastic reduction of the use of chemical spraying. We will establish and expand networks with farmers

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For a vibrant, inspiring and inclusive cultural life

The ambition is to lower the threshold to the art world and act as a cultural catalyst. This by highlighting artists of different ages, experience and art forms. To include and facilitate everyone’s right to culture, the events are always open to everyone. The place must be a safe platform

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The dream of a child

The book project brings out a man’s perspective on infertility. The descriotion has the opportunity to create a deeper understanding of both sides and put into words what childless couples are thinking and experiencing. Childlessness and infertility has long been a taboo subject even though it is a reality for

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#enjoysweden – Fotobook

To highlight a unique and time-typical selection of images from Sweden, images taken by ordinary people in a committed willingness to share what they see around them. And because of a belief in raising the quality of the experience when you take the best out of this digital flow, to

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Mother, what shall I think about?

The purpose of producing this book is to disseminate knowledge on a concrete method that works well for children in difficult and vulnerable situations, such as using their own imagination and creativity to dream and develop. This simple but effective way to support children in difficult  situations is important to

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Preclampsia: a new prognosis test

With current diagnostic methods preeclampsia can not be detect in early pregnancy. Many of the existing clinical tests needed is time consuming, inconvenient for the patient and has low and variable value predictions. But with an efficient diagnostic marker all pregnant women can potentially be screen very early, before symptoms

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The aim is to verify if an Internet-based music intervention and a ditto mindfulness intervention may demonstrate decreased stress parameters and increased cognitive function (such as increased level of classical intelligence tests) of high school students regardless of stress level.

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