
Essential farm improvements for AAF

The goal of this project is to have a functioning propagation area on the plot, implement the first phase of a perennial agroforest, have a composting toilet and washing station. With these investments we tackle the biggest threats to AAF, while ensuring the longevity of the organization. A diversified production system

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Malmö University Library – a room of opportunity

The purpose is to produce a commemorative publication for Malmö University Library, which turns 25 years old. The texts and images in the anthology are a contemporary document of what a young and forward-thinking university library is, as well as the learning that takes place when a library takes shape.

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The importance of sleep, in illness and in health

Sleep difficulties are a gigantic problem, that generate suffering for the individual and a cost for society. Many of the problems are caused by a lack of knowledge within the healthcare system and the public at large. There is a great need to inform about how sleep problems can be

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A comic book about ADHD in women

The goal of the project is to make a comic book that reaches out to both people who have ADHD themselves and gives recognition to the difficulties one experiences throughout life, but also to create a greater understanding of ADHD in society. By facing the difficulties with humour, we hope

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The end of kidney shortages for transplant!

The purpose of the project is to find out if the technology and methods function in human kidneys as well as validate the product prototype to pave the way for efficient and successful commercialization, i.e., the first part of the clinical study. Through this, the number of donor kidneys available

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