
Trio Wolski records Hunnsberg Sessions

For us to develop as a band, acquire more listeners, more concert opportunities as well as other jobs, it is important that we as a band do different projects with varied focus and themes. Also, so that both loyal as well as new fans will want to listen to us.

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Pinteg’s aim is to develop technical solutions that help European citizens safeguard their digital information and integrity. Through adult education and digital tools, including methods for easy use of their rights under GDPR, we will help individuals prevent information from being collected and information that has already been collected to

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The purpose of this project is to try and get these individuals to choose the “right” path in the future. Let them meet more adults, let them try different activities, provide them education so they can discover that if you want to, you can also learn. Hence, possibly awakening their

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Brush Wash

We want to protect our environment. We want everyone to learn how to take advantage of paint residue: vocational schools, preschools, homeowners, municipalities. Our Brush Wash ought therefore to become an essential tool for painting, regardless of the level of use. The Brush Wash should be a regular tool, both

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Climate Smart Milk Proteins

The project is mainly about developing an alternative method for producing milk proteins. The milk protein that we focus on is casein (milk also contains whey protein), which is the main ingredient in dairy products such as cheese and yogurt. Production will be effected by so-called recombinant protein-production, which is

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Certified management training in IK Eos

Eos Leadership Academy aims to train more leaders for Eos operations for children and adolescents of all ages. We want to give our leaders tuition, learning and knowhow that they can use both as leaders in Eos, but also in their private and professional lives. With more and better skilled

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European Centre for Urban Use

The purpose of developing a centre for professional urban cultivation is to contribute to sustainable solutions for a better climate. Food production is a fundamental part of society and causes today great climatic impact. By committing to more entrepreneurs who grow organic, local produce, we reduce climatic impact, increase biodiversity

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Recycle Mobilia

Recycle is an operation that aims to promote recycling and enterprise through sustainable production. Here, materials and artefacts are reworked and recycled with creativity and new thinking giving them new life and purpose and thus contributing to a circular economy. The focus is on social, ecological and economic sustainability. The

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