
The first recording of Lund’s Chamber Music Soloists

Lund’s chamber music soloists want to take their audience on an exciting journey through charted and uncharted waters, innovative and traditional, challenging and soothing. The recording will take place in Malmö Opera’s concert hall with the soprano Sofie Asplund.

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Children’s library and intellectual challenges

The purpose of the project is to create a tutorial for people who want to work in making children’s and youth literature available to people who are intellectually challenged or autistic. The basis for the tutorial text should be a compilation of international research on the subject, but also based

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Big Bang Festival 2019

This science festival will motivate children across Skåne to science and technology. Both for the future of children as well as the future of Malmö and Sweden, it is beneficial to work towards creating a positive link between science and fun. Cool Minds wants to raise the level of knowledge

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Voice-based detection of recurrent vocal cord cancer

Several studies of people’s voice quality show promising results in the early detection of various types of diseases, such as Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s or post-traumatic stress. This project aims to detect early recurrence of cancer on the vocal cords. By automatically analysing regular voice recordings by patients, relapse can be detected

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Navigation by Sound – A mobility aid for the blind

Development of a new mobility aid for the blind or the almost blind. Our ambition is to be able to replace the white cane and the leader dog; the only primary mobility aids in use today. Development will take place of prototypes that allow long-term tests, with the aim of

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Ecoist – with a chassis of natural fibre

The goal is to produce a functioning chassis for the electric car Ecoist Tian in natural fibre composite; a reinforced natural fibre, bio-based thermosetting plastic. There is very little documentation and experience of producing this on an industrial scale. By using natural fibres as reinforcement material, plants absorb CO2 from

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Start the magazine Sleep and Health

Sleep problems are commonplace. Every third woman and every fifth man in Sweden suffer from sleep problems. In the magazine Sleep and Health, researchers will share popular science summaries from their studies and clinics will describe the methods, especially non-pharmacological, they use to help patients with sleep disorders

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Existence Festival 2019

The Existence Festival is aimed at the general public as well as thespians, brain researchers, writers, philosophers, psychologists, psychotherapists, musicians and media representatives. All of these will, through discussions, lectures, performances, concerts and workshops, meet on the issue of the meaning of life.

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Fighting cancer with plastic bullets

The purpose of the exhibition is to communicate research on cancer diagnostics conducted by postgraduate doctoral students at the Department of Biomedicine at Malmö University. How can it benefit and how can it be applied in society? Via films among other things, the visitor will be given insight into the

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