
Among Imps and Stink bugs

In some of Malmö’s urban areas, there are schools and preschools that never takes off from the classroom / courtyard to use other learning environments. The experience is that even the “messiest” class can drop all conflicts and work seamlessly when the experience of nature takes over. No evil words

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The Universe to the classroom

The ‘Universe to the classroom “is about using astronomical observations enabling young people to get unique insights about our place in the universe and also provide them with an alternative perspective on our lives. The remote control of an advanced telescope system at the amateur astronomical Tycho Brahe observatory in

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The new program for teachers education

The goal is to create a new form of training for primary and secondary school teachers in Skåne based on the teachers’ desires and needs, and with a clear link to the national curriculum Lgr11 and GY11. Participants get practical material that can be used directly in teaching. The project

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Women from Malmö tell their stories

There are few books on women’s history in Malmö. This project is a collected documentation in the form of “oral history” from living women who in various ways helped to forma their 1900s. This makes the image Malmö’s history to become more complex and detailed. The book can be read

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Pharmaceuticals and health

The aim is to write a popular science version of the thesis “A pill for the ill? Depression, medicalization and public health. ” The thesis consists of four papers. The overall aim is twofold. Firstly, to describe and analyse the experiences of patients with antidepressants as a treatment for depression,

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Printing of the anthology ”The crime writers Swedish Landscape

The Swedish crime writer’s success and popularity today is beyond doubt. Something that often fascinates both Swedish and international readers are descriptions of the Swedish nature and anchorage in the local society, which can evoke feelings of both recognition and something exotic. What is missing in the Swedish book market

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Skåne Coast

Primarily the book will provide a reference and a record for the future of how Skåne’s coast looked at this particular time in history. Secondly it will make it’s readers aware as to how the coast actually looks and through texts gives insight of possible threats and future developments. There

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