
Printing of the anthology ”The crime writers Swedish Landscape

The Swedish crime writer’s success and popularity today is beyond doubt. Something that often fascinates both Swedish and international readers are descriptions of the Swedish nature and anchorage in the local society, which can evoke feelings of both recognition and something exotic. What is missing in the Swedish book market

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Skåne Coast

Primarily the book will provide a reference and a record for the future of how Skåne’s coast looked at this particular time in history. Secondly it will make it’s readers aware as to how the coast actually looks and through texts gives insight of possible threats and future developments. There

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Geniuses speculate

The project will highlight some of the greatest social problems and with the help of researchers from Lund study them from new and unexpected angles. The goal is an interdisciplinary book series about where each research area stands today, but also with the researchers’ thoughts and ideas about where we

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Transfer Syd

Transfer Syd is a non-profit organization, a neutral platform between industry and schools it is non-profit and politically independent. Transfer offers a variety of qualified lecturers from the industry who sets up free lectures that fit into existing curricula and schedules, primarily for secondary schools. Transfer “takes the real world”

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A new hart instrument

Every year, 150,000 Swedes are affected by heart disease and approximately 10% of these die of their disease. Health care has evolved rapidly to meet these diseases, and cardiac surgery represents an important part of the treatment. The disadvantage of surgery is that it is a major operation with a

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Carbohydrate-based drugs against vaginal infections

Women-specific diseases are a relatively underdeveloped area in medicine and vaginal infections are very large and partially hidden problems where there is currently no effective treatment. This new, effective treatment against both fungal and bacterial genital infections will lead to both reduced suffering and economic gains.

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