
Single-cell mechanical fingerprints

Single-cell biomechanical characterization using microscale technologies is a potential route to achieve the selectivity required for circulating tumor cell isolation. Acoustofluidics has strong potential for identification and isolation of cells based on a combination of size, density, and compressibility. It is the overarching aim of this project to extend this

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Objective and Quantitative Assessment tools for ADHD and ASD

We are developing objective and quantitative assessment tools that measure cerebellar function in combination with a modernised movement assessment test. We believe this has the potential to revolutionise the way we assess and study ADHD and ASD – two diagnoses that affect several hundred thousand children in Sweden alone. In

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Business management in agribusiness and horticulture

The aim of the project is to create a training material (printed book) that is clearly aimed primarily at agricultural entrepreneurship, but also horticulture to broaden the scope of use. The book will contain five main parts dealing with entrepreneurship, strategic decision-making, risk and business environment analysis, sustainability issues and

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Children Ask Lund

The aim of the project is to create a new concept, a unique and exciting experience for children by questioning information they are fed with daily in our digital society and trying to get the tools themselves to get answers and knowledge they can believe in by combining science with

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