Kukuri and the climate mystery tour on bike
Hanna Jönsson
Kukuri offers an interactive climate story aimed at children. The aim of the project is for the climate story / workshop Kukuri and the climate mystery (formerly your invisible neighbour) to reach a larger audience through visiting mobile activities that also work outdoors, spreading the brand, and complete and publish a book. It is about educating children about the right weather for plants, that we are dependent on plants for food. Why is it hot on the earth? What are gases and how they change the climate? Knowledge of how different types of food, transportation and lifestyles influence climate.
Learning from Makers – a pilot study to develop educational methods for teaching programming
Malmö University / Elisabet M Nilsson
The aim is to go beyond the school context and get inspiration from other learning arenas, such as the maker culture, and with students and teachers develop educational methods to teach programming as (a future) part of the subject of mathematics. The result of the project is concrete proposals for educational methods for the classroom which can also serve as teaching materials in teacher education. The results of the project as a whole will also provide a basis for a major research application.
Local news for ALL children induces writing, news reading and local involvement
Read and Learn McShane Education AB / Maria McShane
MiniBladet, the children’s news material, wants to attract children to reading the news at a young age. Through exciting reading and other stimulating material, children of today acquire an interest in global news via MiniBladet. The next step is to develop children’s local news sites so that information is also available about events in the area, both through articles written by MiniBladet’s reporters, and through children’s own reports. The purpose is to develop a local news material in a cross-border cooperation that includes ALL children; a Malmö model where children’s news is as important as world news.
Living astronomy – developing educational experiments for high school
The Astronomical Society Tycho Brahe / Peter Linde
The Astronomical Society Tycho Brahe (ASTB) is acting to popularize astronomy, arouse and stimulate an interest in schoolchildren and the general public. School activities are today largely limited to middle and lower secondary school. The aim now is to develop the activity to more distinctly include high school. ASTB has initiated collaboration with Malmö University, among other things, via displays at the observatory for students at the teacher-training programme. At the same time, the issue of educational development in schools is debated as an important field of the future, in particular when linked to various digital tools.
Experience-based learning
Educational Inspiration / Mats Johnsson
The purpose is to scientifically study Experience-based learning and design a model on the Education Act’s scientific basis and proven experience. Thereby achieving, mutual cooperation between schools, external learning environments / cultural institutions and colleges with the aim to increase school pupils’ learning, language development, participation in school activities and access to the city, its cultural and natural environments and contribute to the achievement of the social sustainability objective.
Nelm’s method for raising the physical capability of people who are physically challenged
SK Poseidon / Hild Elise Hansen
The purpose of the project is to provide increased mobility and physical control on land to physically challenged persons via water training. A development of Nelm’s method, which is an activity and workout programme in water based on the nervous system. The method uses interaction with water in order to improve the quality of mobility and sensory perception, and then transfer these improvements to land and everyday life.
Professional Swedish for newcomers, foreign-born labour
My Life / Charlotte Uhler
The goal is to contribute to the increased linguistic skills of jobseekers and employers in Sweden in a number of industries over a long time. Quantitatively develop, collect and market at least 5 to 8 different phrasebooks / industries in 3 to 5 different languages and introduce them to as many people as possible. In step one phrasebooks are downloaded as (pdf-files) via My Life’s website but will be made available via other channels. The long-term goal is for phrasebooks to annually develop improve and go digital.
The teacher as a leader Continuation of project
Malmö City / Linda Sikström
The purpose of writing a method book is to help teachers develop and improve their leadership skills inside and outside the classroom in order to increase student achievement. The method book will inspire by pooling educational and didactic tools that provide an effective learning environment, composed study and a good relationship between teacher and student. The method book will also provide tips and advice on group coaching and co-operative learning in order to enhance the impact on student learning.
Teachers’ School Development Conference in Skåne
Science in school / Maria Brännström
The aim is to create new prerequisites for proficient school development as well as share knowledge and experience between schools and different authorities. The conference will offer an in-depth debate on teaching and school development, and be a forum for reflection and analysis. It wants to help develop an investigative and critical approach to its own activities, in accordance with the wording of the Education Act that school education should rest on scientific foundation and proven experience.